Friday, April 25, 2014

Of Fearlessness and Audacity: The Honey Badger

     Previously an animal known only by followers of the Big Ten Conference and a bookmarked page to marvel at in your childhood Zoobooks, the honey badger, also known as the ratel, has recently gained viral popularity on the internet for its remarkable absence of fear. (Check this out for an example!)
     Although it looks like Pepe Le Pew succeeded in his conquests if he were to pursue a bear instead of a cat, there is much more to this unique mammal. Mellivora capensis is a 5.5-14kg is a omnivorous member of the weasel family characterized by a jet black color and a single wide white longitudinal stripe spanning its back. Their gait is like that of a clumsy fox due to their bulky frame with short limbs bearing long and vicious claws, which are perfect for fast and efficient digging. They prefer a wide range of conditions from dry open plains to lush forests and are found all over Africa, India, and the Arabian Peninsula. A species on decline, this animal faces danger, largely at the hands of humans, resulting in threatened status in some areas and protected and endangered in others. Social patterns indicated that a male in a given area will establish dominance and contribute upwards of 50% paternity of the subsequent generation. The loose skin, strength, and offensive characteristics of the animal including its teeth and fangs contribute to the ability of this animal to fear no master. Also, it has developed a tolerance to most types of natural toxins. This has allowed them to develop a taste for honey and ravage bee nests without regard for the stings that deter most potential predators. It also is notorious for antagonizing venomous snakes, consuming them and their eggs. It also willingly attacks porcupines and small crocodiles, and will not hesitate to feast on a human corpse if it comes across one. The honey badger continues to hold its title as the “World’s Most Fearless Animal”.


Hiskey, Dave. "The World's Most Fearless Creature Is the Honey Badger." Today I Found
       Out RSS. N.p., 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 22 Apr. 2014 <>.
"Ratel." African Wildlife Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
"The Honey Badger - Associations." The Honey Badger - Associations. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr.

2014. <>.

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